Saturday, March 11, 2006

I stood there, numbed. Holding my hand against my cheek, I could feel hot tears running down my face as I looked defiantly away from my mother, who was muttering some Hokkien swear words at me . My cheek was burning.

" How many times have I told you not to go out fooling around after school? " My mother demanded in the oh-so-familiar accusing tone. "Have you gotten yourself a boyfriend already? You so ugly, the guy only want your body only lah! "

Angry thoughts swam through my head. Firstly, I did not have a boyfriend, and even if I did I wouldn't tell her. Secondly, I was in school all the while rushing out a project which I had to present tomorrow.

"But Ma, I was in sch-"

Her hand, like a whip, slapped my other cheek.

" How dare you talk back at me? I dont care if you have whatever "engleesh pro-ject", I want you to come home STRAIGHT after school, you hear me? "

This time, I had the brains to keep quiet, all the while not looking in her eyes. I just couldn't. I must be looking a total wreck now, I thought. Before she could say another word, I stalked out of the room and slammed the door on her with an alarming "bang".


Okay that was totally random .

This week has been so fhking busy, and im really, really tired. After effects? My right knee joint as swollen as ever and hurting like shit, and on the verge of falling sick. In addition, my eyebags are taking up 1/8 of my already very small face. I look so terrible. I get a break today and tomorrow, which is Sunday, to settle everything before the UG camp, which will pwn me and leave me dead .

Went to Bei's house today for the dance thing and found out that we didn't have to do the mutual board anymore, yayness. No need to worry about it already xD

Huangbei's got a date today! xD She kept repeating,"630 at JP 630 at JP! " over and over again until it became quite unbearable . Mmm and she spent AGES picking her outfit and gelling her hair o.O Wonder how it went.

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