Thursday, March 19, 2009

I think Paracetamol kinda puts you on 'safe mode' so you don't fall too sick. It saves you from being reduced to being stuck in bed and killing 10 trees by using a countless number of tissue boxes, so at least you can function at 50% and be productive.

I think Paracetamol is so much harder to swallow than my antibiotics, which is a nice brown and yellow. Paracetamol is white and scary and huge. I can never swallow Paracetamol in one gulp. It always dissolves in my mouth until it is half of its original size.

I think I need to start studying but I can't cos I need to focus on Nationals.

countdown: 8

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Haha this post is really late but..

Thanks Chrislyn, Xue Yuan and Joy for that wonderful time running and training :) Though we looked really funny down at the CPA but it sure was fun :D


Gonna be training my ass off next week from Monday to Saturday. HomeTeam NS is like my second home now o.o

Screwed my AQ on Friday.

Disney on Ice was really good. It was romantic, it was dreamy, and was saturated with relationships that start off with love at first sight, and couples that ALWAYS end up happily ever after. (Isn't Ariel supposed to become foam on the sea? How come she got her kiss in the end?)

I have a sore throat from eating eclairs and durian :(

I'm meeting up with my 4L girls tomorrow :D

AND MARK HO, if you're reading this, I haven't changed my password yet o.o

Wilson, get well soon :)

NUS Open House was fun and thank goodness I stumbled upon Zihan, Hui Min Leon and Priscilla or I'd be wandering around alone. I tagged along with them to the Medicine talk and it made me glad I'm not considering medicine for uni.

Monday, March 09, 2009

I know, I know.. I haven't been blogging in the past few days but I suppose no one has the time to come online anyway since terms are nearing..

Anyway life's been a pile of dog poo recently. I'm having a problem - I can't seem to get people to be forthcoming in telling me the things I desperately need to know.

Okay I'm going to be really straightforward here. If you've a problem, just tell me. In my face. Don't ignore my messages or ignore whatever I'm saying. I mean, I've never really been the 'what's your problem' kinda person but seriously, this has got to stop.

Other than that I have nothing else to say thanks.