Saturday, February 24, 2007

i am NOT irresponsible.

what does having a _ have to do with irresponsibility? crap.

irresponsibility means:
1. said, done, or characterized by a lack of a sense of responsibility: His refusal to work shows him to be completely irresponsible.
2. not capable of or qualified for responsibility, as due to age, circumstances, or a mental deficiency.
3. not responsible, answerable, or accountable to higher authority: irresponsible as a monarch.

just because i was wearing _ and kena sabo by some _. 'i was not responsible in upholding the _ NAME and REPUTATION'? try saying that lah. it's crap.

i repeat. i am NOT irresponsible. so dont say that i am.

and english is a fishing LANGUAGE for goodness sake. why be so inflexible? there are so many different ways of expressing the same thing. just accepting one specific answer for compre questions; does it bring out the real essence of a language?

dont use stupid jianbaos and 'bao mi hua's to try to propaganda us teenagers into thinking a certain way lah. all the jianbao all about 'qing shao nian' and 'nian qing ren'. all is stereotype one lor. like the article about cny gambling. like a lame lah this type of thing also want to write about. cny gambling, under the supervision and restrictions of parents, will most definitely not lead to obsessive and addictive gambling. this type of thing also wanna worry.

dont know why _ are so fussy about _. firstly it doesn't concern them anyway. secondly i dont believe they never _ in _ before. pls lah -.- dont so kpo can or not. mind your own business lah pls -.- some _ hor really nothing better to do one.

some girls hor. like to walk like penguin like that one. and bounce as they walk. wahlau. irritates me. just walk properly can or not -.-

i'm pms-ing so please do not take any of these to heart. but there are so many underscores and blanks i'm sure you dont understand what im trying to say anyway. im not gna explain unless you buy me an icecream. so there :)

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