Monday, May 16, 2005

Reasons why the NAPFA 2.4 km run is totally lame

Hoohas. Here I am to blog again. Since we're all in the NAPFA mood, why not I talk abt the importance (and the unimportance) of the NAPFA 2.4 run?

Have you ever thought of the reason WHY we spend an agonizing 15 minutes or so forcing yourself to run, to race against time? Is it to get a golden shiny badge for your collar pin or whatsoever? And so what if you get a gold? Is it really a status of whether you're fit or not? I'll let you think for yourself.

Surveys have shown that 38/10 people dislike, or hate (to the extent of wanting to strangle their PE teachers and push them into the Pandan reservoir to their DEATHS... MUAHAHAHAHA) morning runs AND 2.4 runs. And i'm not joking about the ratio. It's thirty-three over ten people. (aiyah, actually i only ask 10 people, then my whole class hate morning runs so much ah they all come and extra, object like shit liddat. so not my fault, i merely stating the truth HAHAHAS)

Erhemm, okay, back to the subject. So what if you can run 2.4 km? Will it help in your future endeavours? It's not like EVERYBODY is going to be an all-star athlete or whatever fuck. I propse, leave the torture to the trackers, for goodness and badness sake.Not all of us enjoy the crappish training. And unless you are cureently holding a lifelong dream to run (or fly), the 2.4 run is NOT going to help you in any way. So just take it easy man!

Now, now, don't retort back by saying the run keeps you fit. Have you ever thought of how it would be like for the whole world to be fat / obese? There'll be no discrimination, no feelings of envy and the like ; no supermodels, no comparison of waist measurements and no people going mad and killing themselves or others due to excessive amounts of wallowing in self pity.. (okay lah, a bit exaggerated lah). But who cares xD And no one will care about the slimming centres that will close down, horh? Hmm.

P.S. The author of this blog post is not liable for any of it's content. All students quoting from this blog post may not come after the author of this post lest the parents or teachers hearing it may just explode and die. All rights reserved.


Hui Yi said...

i hate 2 say this but u r spas....wahahaha...i wldn mind kicking loh into the reservoir(:

fishpear said...

hehe. fishpear here! wah piang. never knew that your english can get so cheem yeh?? I'M IMPRESSED. but the entry is so long that i din finish reading. oops. BUT ANW... I'VE COMPLETED MY 2.4!! ((: Jia you for yours! heh. dun care whether you get gold anot but just try lah. Heh. <3

fishpear said...

hehe. fishpear here! wah piang. never knew that your english can get so cheem yeh?? I'M IMPRESSED. but the entry is so long that i din finish reading. oops. BUT ANW... I'VE COMPLETED MY 2.4!! ((: Jia you for yours! heh. dun care whether you get gold anot but just try lah. Heh. <3

I am Hot said...

to contradict what valerie has said, i think that if the whole world was full of fat people, then everyone will forget what thin is like, then they will all think fat got fat de mei li, so all will eat eat eat and grow fatter. ahhh. eat...without....worrying....about...calories....drools

Anonymous said...

Hahaz seh ah....but no...2.4...we must continue wid's good for our fitness....good for health...good for everything=)...i lurrve 2.4=)

Beixin said...

wahhahaah i agree lohh! napfa 2.4 is redundant.

PrincessPeizhen said...

nooo 2.4 iz nt lame..everyone cannot grow fat and b disgusting..nt only da looks..wad about ur health..yar and if dere iz no 2.4 means ppl r nt forced to exercise which means dey will be unhealthy..eeew w/o 2.4 ppl usually wun run on their own accord yar..can read my latest n3 abt dis oso..

` pei[z]hennn; -

Anonymous said...

ok goof. i can finally comment. hee. you should go get a nicer template! anyway your posts are hilarious. they should not do away with 2.4 actually. i think 1.6 is sufficient. as in not much point making us run so long and waste time. and shuttle run is stupid. i wasted so many seconds trying to get the blocks and turn. i think they should just make us run straight.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahah. *and you call ME cheem?*

Actually, the 2.4 run tests not your speed, but your stamina. Although this is unimportant to you and yours, to the boys of River Valley High, this is important for their growth and preparation for (you've heard this a thousand times) NS.

Additionally, hatred and dislike of Pe instructors and sadistic CCA seniors are used to forge stonger bonds between those 'oppressed'. That seems to have worked in your class, hahahahah.

If we look past the seemingly hypocritical system, you'd find that a lot of things make sense.

In most cases, health makes natural beauty. Those women who seek to slim down actually are making themselves healthier, while those who kill themselves out of depression over their looks- face it- they are cleaning the human gene pool, that people in the future will not inherit their harmful genes. It's sad and cruel but true.