Saturday, December 23, 2006

i wonder why is it that my mum can't talk nicely to me. or my siblings. or my dad.

she has to raise her voice and scream out everything she is saying, like she hasn't been allowed to say anything for the past few hours. like she's venting all her frustration on me.

does raising her voice actually make me more compelled to do what she is asking for? NO. never ever. it just makes me want to throttle her and bang the door in her face in half-scream.

why can't she be a sweet and nice mum who talks to me nicely and treats me well? why can't she be the model mum, who knows just how to discipline her children? why?

instead she forces me to do things i dont want to do (eg kumon) and dont try to tell me to persuade her to let me quit, because if you were in my shoes you'll know that's impossible. i've had countless arguments with her over this and to no avail.

she screams at me everytime i dont do the worksheets. it's a miracle i haven't gone deaf. i'm just too busy, too lazy to do the stupid stuff, and simply can't be fcuking bothered to. and she seems to be taking kumon more seriously than my school work, wtf? she doesn't care if i've done my holiday homework; she only wants me to complete kumon kumon and kumon WTH LAH CAN.

im sick and tired of kumon. so sick that i could burn up all of them sitting on my table and go tell the teacher my dog ate them all. i am SO sick of this.

i give up, totally. i dont want a mum who doesn't have my welfare at heart. i dont want a mum who can't discipline her kids. i dont want a mum who screams at me constantly. i dont want a mum who calls me a san1 ba1 po2. wo bu yao.

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