Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sorry I haven't blogged for so long, been catching up on work lately. I'm stuck at home now cos I'm sick :( down with a stupid virus that causes your throat to be inflammed. I feel so miserable now :( Give me a hug people.

On a heavier lighter note, Fun-O-Rama the ultimate money-sucker funfair is coming up and I've already killed seven million brain cells trying to settle JUST the food stall. Thank you very much la, after Fun-o-rama I'm so going to wash my hands off anything regarding doing saikang for the school. I need a break, seriously :(


I still haven't found a CCA. I'm such a loser.

I feel stupid all of the sudden. Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? Maybe it's just fate. I'll never be in the same school as you again. Did I not try hard enough? Perhaps I'm being punished for not doing just that. This is all damn screwed please remind me to listen t you in future.

Monday, March 10, 2008


See lah, now thanks to you assholes, I can't find a bloody CCA! I don't even dare to go for the different CCA tryouts cos I feel too inexperienced to be there.. Does being good at a sport or a performing art automatically earn you a place in a good JC? :(

Life is unfair :(

Anyway just to share some of my random thoughts with you people..

Don't you wonder sometimes, is everyone is born with the necessary talents and environment, fated to have a particular job? For example, A has 100% talent for medicine. But he does not go into medicine. Instead he chooses to be an engineer. B, on the contrary, has only 50% of talent for medicine but he chooses to be a doctor. Wouldn't the world be a better, more efficient place if everyone is in the profession they're most talented to be in? :x

Yeah okay I know that's rubbish cos everyone has interests I guess.

And don't you sometimes feel as though you have a hidden talent tucked away in some part of you, but you never had the chance to fully develop it?

Oh well. will continue ranting another day. Goodnight!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

TAG REPLY - in case you people think I'm ignoring you :(

clement: lol. i infer you like seafood a lot. and why you call me spider so random o.o
jasmine: haha you miss ac but your heart is elsewhere lah. you'll forget ac de! hehe hv fun in hc, will miss you :(
huiyi: yep miss you too! oh and the pictures are uploaded alr!
nick: yeah you dont have to remind me :x I WAS THERE FOR CAMPFEAST NIGHT!! :p
janice: LOL i can if you want :) how is it scary?
yishi: hello yish :)
junqi: if you missed me you would have come to eat with us :( bleah. anyw miss you too! i told the whole world i missed you. lol.
THE PRESIDENT: Hello! I'm proud to be your spokesperson : D